Biedenkopf Art
Art of Nature
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Matthias Biedenkopf-Riedel

Born at 06.01.1960 Burgstädt / Sachsen

Raise in a small village at Erzgebirge / Altzschillen



1966 – 1970    school attendance in my little village


1970 – 1976    high scholl attendance in Limbach-Oberfrohna “Thomas Münzer” (first exhibitions).


1976                apprenticeship in locksmith and wrought-iron craftsman to start painting and graphic studies at Art academy in Dresden.


1983                under arrest for political reasons and deportation from East Germany.


1995                I rent an art studio, “Künstlertreff” Aulweg 102 in Gießen and fabricate my work predominant from materials which I found in nature, as wood, stone, metal for sculpture and plastic art.

                        For my free painting I use prevailing organic pigments. In my mind there is nothing worthless in such valuating world. The subjects of my works based on autobiographical experience and social critical view.


1996                Try to establish facility for the homeless by communicating with Diakonisches Werk Gießen “Die Brücke”.


1997                First public exhibition in Gießen, Mediateam AV (Schiffenberger Weg).


1999                Give lessons in metal design at „Theodor-Lit-Schule“ in Gießen.


2000                To accept a bid fort he „EXPO 2000“, in Hannover.


2001                In Herford, Phönix Center, mission “Wünsch Dir was” for disabled children


2002                In Herford, experiment “Leere und Vision” by communicating with academy of arts Bielefeld (Professor Jörg Boström).

                        Formation of a Gallery, “Arte Vera”, in Gießen.

                        Exhibition in city hall, “63 Zyklus”, in Weikhartshain.

                        Exhibition, “Mythos Wald”, in Oberkleen.


2003                Project at Brüder Grimm Schule in co-operation with four other schools to fabricate a sculpture made from discarded metal. “Aus Schrott eine Skulptur herstellen”.


2004                “Kunst in der City” in Gießen.


2006                First art spectacular „Fluß mit Flair“ at the river Wieseck in Ettinghausen.

                        Exhibition in Ettinghausen “100 Jahre Orgel”.

                        Invitation to Australia (studying the aborigines and the culture).


2007                Second art spectacular “Fluß mit Flair” permament exhibition in my new art studio in Erdkauter Weg 56 in Gießen.


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